India-US defense sales ‘all time high’

February 13, 2019

WASHINGTON: A top Pentagon has said that defense sales between India and the US are at an all-time. He added that the bilateral strategic partnership between the two countries continues to advance at an historic pace, reports have said.

According to Admiral Philip Davidson, Commander of the US Indo-Pacific Command, told a Congressional hearing saying that the inaugural 2+2 Ministerial in New Delhi last September and signing of the COMCASA in 2018 were pivotal moments in the bilateral relations, according to agencies.

India and the US, last year, signed the COMCASA (Communications Compatibility and Security Agreement) to facilitate interoperability between the militaries of the two countries.

The United States and Indian militaries participated in five major exercises over the past years. The two countries have executed more than fifty other military exchanges, and further operationalized the 2016 Logistics Exchange Memorandum of Agreement, reports have said. (Agencies)